Our Stories

Head over heels in love on Polish Hearts

Hello, I came across your advertisement, I don't even remember where, I thought it might be something....a way to spend long, lonely, autumn evenings. It will be nice to talk to someone who, just like you, knows the taste of longing, longing for a family home (because it's hard to live alone far from loved ones, from everything you love!!!), someone who will understand, comfort, say a nice word when sometimes you don't have the strength for everything.... It all started so simply with "Oliwier," just ordinary conversations about everything and nothing, he seemed a bit like from a fairy tale, subtle, delicate, unobtrusive... and that's what charmed me most about him, well maybe also his beautiful blue eyes and the "hole" in his beard :-))) After some time we wanted to meet and it happened... we fell in love head over heels... we've been together for 9 months and all thanks to your website!!!! Thank you very much!!! lllinka7821 and Oliwierpl

"...we became happy parents of our beloved Olek..."

We sincerely thank your portal for being. Over 2 years ago I met a fantastic guy, after the first meeting we knew it was the one;) After 4 months Lukasz proposed and for over a year we have been a happy, loving marriage. We cannot imagine life if we hadn't met. And all thanks to you:) And the best news - 8 weeks ago we became happy parents of our beloved Olek. Thank you and we wish the remaining users just as much happiness. Ania and Ɓukasz

Poland in Germany or Dating for Poles

Dear portal, please delete my profile, it was a lovely time for me thanks to all the gentlemen I met. I felt like a woman again. On this portal, I also met a wonderful man and surprisingly, on the first day - me, a Polish woman from Germany, and him, a Polish man from the Caribbean - two different worlds and two kindred spirits. Fate can be truly mischievous and generous. It is worth seeking and believing in love, and all of this here on your portal. Thank you to all the nice employees administering this portal for the pleasant service, for vigilantly taking care of my safety, for your reliability, and for just being there. Thank you! I wish you success. Aleksandra Powaga, Alexandra21

The girl found love in Germany

We received a message from our user who met, as she described, a 'wonderful man' in Germany through the dating portal PolishHearts.de. Here is the email:

I would like to thank you on my behalf for allowing me to meet a wonderful man here! Thanks to this portal, I became a VIP and that's how we started our acquaintance, which we transferred to real life!! Best regards!! I would also like to add that this portal is really a good one, there is no rudeness here, full of culture!!!

Another love was formed through our service

Hello, Thanks to you, I have found a nice and beloved person in Pomerania, Poland. I sincerely thank and greet the whole team of the dating service PolishHearts. Marcin from Hamburg